Posted by: Growth for Today | August 6, 2013

O.H.I.O. Can Help You



Yes, I lived in Ohio for several years of my life, but no, this blog has nothing to do with the state of Ohio.  When I write O.H.I.O., I am referring to what psychiatrists and productivity experts often recommend.  They recommend O.H.I.O.  O.H.I.O. stands for Only Handle It Once.

This practice is given to many people who have ADHD, and it is also very highly suggested for anyone who wants to be more organized.  And since I love organization, I want to suggest that you too adopt O.H.I.O., or Only Handle It Once.

The basic principle of Only Handle It Once is that you don’t stop something until it’s done.  Either you don’t take something on, or you don’t stop until it’s finished.  This seems simple enough, right?

Here are some examples of simple ways you can incorporate Only Handle It Once into your life:

  • If you open a bill, pay it right away.  Don’t file it or put it somewhere that it might get lost.
  • If someone sends an email and you want to respond, don’t look at it until you have the time to respond, and respond right away.  This will take less of your time, and will eliminate the time you spend with email.
  • Don’t check emails when you first wake up to enable yourself to respond to them when you see them.
  • When you get a voicemail, call the person back and take care of the problem/situation right away.
  • When starting a home project, actually start the project.  Budget time needed for completion, and make a plan for projects that will take more than one day to complete.

This also means budgeting time well.  Budget how much time food prep and cooking will take. Budget how much time you need for cleaning your house.  Budget how much time you need for commuting.  If you budget, you are more likely to finish the task, and do so with success.

On the other side, don’t forget to spend time with yourself.  If you are having a “me” night, make sure you complete your time alone.  Don’t let others lure you or convince you to compromise that special time with yourself.  Make sure that you budget time for yourself, and that you don’t stop until your “me” time is over.

Adopting the Only Handle It Once method will not only allow you get more done, but it will also relieve stress.  It will give you more free time, and experts say that those who adopt this method actually have more free time.

So go on, let O.H.I.O. help you, and Only Handle It Once!

Original content by Iris Slay,;

I would love to hear your thoughts and comments!
